Skandinavian News 6
Skandinavian News - Issue 6 (1988-12)(Accession).adf
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#move 0,0
#screen hires
#colors from "Guru"
#pens 9,0
Graphics artist The Sarge moved to
Fairlight, which doesn't either make
their living too hard nowadays. Their
fame is still alive and strong, but
they aren't presented very well anymore.
The Finnish computerworld is like
it has been now for half a year:
Byterapers are still no:1 with all their
cracks & some demos they make sometimes.
The best season of (B) was when they
cracked game Marauder two weeks before
anyone else in the whole world, because
the special version supplied by Grendel.
After the copyparty was a long time of
silence and many thought that the whole
group was dead but now we are again
raising very fast very high because many
cracks lately (this week 9 cracks -
better than 99,7 % of the groups around
and the cracks were also new ones,
not 1 year old oldies).
Other Finnish groups aren't making so
good. Finnish Gold has been very silent,
no new demos or other products. Are they
making something brilliant or.....?
The lamergroups HTG, CST and Point-X
have joined and formed a new team Axion.
#move 325,0
Better not to tell what I think about
that group, it's too ugly to tell in
Z-Circle, a group with good coders but
lame swapppers have been very silent
last months and I'm afraid about their
future. If they continue this, blah.....
Beyond Force has made no new demos,
they can't crack because no originals
(hahahaha) and the only thing they do is
swapping. If they can't make something
better, I don't believe their future
will be too brilliant. No more news.
Wait if someday we'll release some
demos on Amiga, with help from our
dear coops X-Men & Stack...
Waiting for better future....
Grendel of Byterapers Inc. in coop
with Stack & X-MEN.
Comment from TWS don't take Grendel too
seriously see, he's a bit simple minded
Anyway we're Having A copy - party
together with Byterapers and X-men in
Stockholm in summer 1989 hope to see
lots of cool dudes there !!!!!!